Raising Money for Your Chapter or Club


If you’re involved in any FFA or 4-H chapter/club in Polk and Hardee counties, the Twenty Buck Truck Raffle is the perfect way to raise money for your organization!

Not all participants have to belong to a participating chapter/club. The funds will be split between the counties depending on participation (aka how many people you get to choose your county on the form), so the more you promote the raffle and encourage people to buy tickets, the more money your county can raise!

How to Help Your Chapter or Club Raise Money

The more chapters/clubs in your county participate in helping promote the raffle, the more your youth participants can receive as a result of the raffle! There are several ways your chapter or club can help promote the raffle. 

1)         Take the truck to events. We’d be more than happy to let you borrow the truck for events. We do need advance notice, but you can email digital@kelleybuickgmc.com to reserve the truck.

2)         Email alerts. The more frequently you remind people to buy tickets via email (without spamming them), the more money your county can raise. We recommend sending out one email blast a month and then bi-weekly in October leading up to the big drawing.

3)         Get posters in local businesses. If you own a business, work for a local business, or just know a shop that’s very supportive of local youth, ask them if they can put one of the small posters we’ve created for you in their business window. The more exposure the raffle gets, the more tickets get sold. You can get posters by emailing digital@kelleybuickgmc.com.

4)         Social media. Facebook is still one of the best ways to gain exposure for an event like the Twenty Buck Truck raffle, and interacting with @twentybucktruck on Facebook helps get exposure for the raffle. Sharing posts helps get content in front of the most eyes (and new donors!), but commenting on and liking posts will be helpful as well. @kelleybuickgmcbartow will also post about the raffle regularly.

You can also share from your club or chapter’s Facebook page (if you have one) and to local groups, and see if your school or any local business owners you know will share posts!

Contact Information

If you have questions about the raffle, please feel free to reach out to us at digital@kelleybuickgmc.com, and we’ll be happy to help you out!